
voluntary worker معنى

  • عامل متطوع
  • voluntary    adj. مخير, طوعي, ا ...
  • worker    n. عامل, الشغيل, أ ...
  • aid worker    عامل في مجال تقديم ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. voluntary trust fund for assistance in mine clearance معنى
  2. voluntary trust fund for the preparation for and the observance of the international year of the family معنى
  3. voluntary trust fund for the united nations disarmament information programme معنى
  4. voluntary voting system guidelines معنى
  5. voluntary weapons collection program معنى
  6. voluntaryism معنى
  7. volunteer معنى
  8. volunteer (botany) معنى
  9. volunteer army معنى
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